"Life is indeed difficult,
partly because of the real difficulties we must overcome in order to survive,
and partly because of our own innate desire to always do better, to overcome
new challenges, to self-actualize. Happiness is experienced largely in striving
towards a goal, not in having attained things, because our nature is always to
want to go on to the next endeavor." ~ Albert Ellis, Michael Abrams,
be great, do the great things you were meant to do. Look deep inside you, realize what’s your life’s purpose and embrace it.
And when you do find purpose and meaning in life, you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be. The world you live in will never be the same and the opportunities life throws at you will be abundant. Explore yourself, discover your purpose of life and live your passion. Strategies for setting goals, staying motivated and achieving results every time should be desire. Finding yourself is mainly about creating yourself. Dedicate your energy to it.
Genuine passion, always take you out of the confines of your narrow personal achievements and inspires you to contribute more to the larger self. This kind of passion makes you feel that you are a humble servant but with a heroic mission. Value of your own life comes not from your achievements, but from the quality of passion with which you are still making ceaseless efforts today to make it shine further. People who lack passion feel that if they could get this promotion, or get rid of that physical problem, they will be happy. But those whom they find extremely happy usually have similar problems, if not more serious ones. The fast pace and busyness of our day to day life have buried our passion for living. Most people live without a sense of meaning that makes them come alive! Alas, it is very sad to find that the worst moment of your day is when the alarm rings in the morning for you to wake up and go waste your precious life at a meaningless work.
Between the two zeros of what you possess at your birth and death, you have only one thing with you: the adventure of playing the game of life with utmost passion and with a progressively bigger heart.
Don’t let the train of life pass you by. You are meant to board it… even if it means having to run passionately just to get in. With passion, the obstacles, the challenges and the adversities only make the journey more exciting and accomplishments even more thrilling. God made the life eternal not because he wanted us to take it for granted or consider it without much value, or postpone it to tomorrow. He made it endless, so that we could dare to take risks, make mistakes to learn from, and live life to the hilt in the top gear. Life is not forever… there are no tomorrows in it…all that we have are this today…and more precisely, this moment! If you miss it, you miss it forever.
All you need is the courage to take the first step and a mind that is open to trying new experiences! We are shaped by our surroundings and our thoughts. So, if you change scenery and your thoughts, you can change your life. Therefore friends, wake up now, for it is never late to realize your passion … By doing something new, scary, adventurous, impossible and exciting for the first time, you’ll broaden your perspective and experience. You’ll see life from a whole new angle and you’ll recharge your passion for living. If you can do what you’ve thought to be impossible, you’ll break the limits and fly high in the sky of possibilities. Allow yourself to be taken over by the storm called passion…and start tasting the joy of living!"
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