Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Seek love in your heart and when you find love, you have found truth and God!

"No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind" ~ Guatama Buddha.

“What is Truth? said Pilate confronted with a mighty messenger of the Truth, not jesting surely, not in a spirit of shallow lightness, but turning away from the Christ with the impatience of the disillusioned soul for those who still use high words that

have lost their meaning and believe in great ideals which the test of the event has proved to be fallacious. What is Truth, — this phantom so long pursued, so impossible to grasp firmly, — that a man young, beautiful, gifted, eloquent and admired should consent to be crucified for its sake? Have not circumstance and event justified the half-pitying, half-sorrowful question of the Roman governor? The Messenger suffered on the cross, and what happened to the Truth that was his message?

As Christ himself foresaw, it has never been understood even by its professors. For five hundred years it was a glorious mirage for which thousands of men and women willingly underwent imprisonment, torture and death in order that Christ's kingdom might come on earth and felicity possesses the nations. But the kingdom that came was not Christ's; it was Constantine's, it was Hildebrand's, it was Alexander Borgia's. For another thirteen centuries the message was — what? Has it not been the chief support of fanaticism, falsehood, cruelty and hypocrisy, the purveyor of selfish power, the keystone of a society that was everything Christ had denounced? Jesus died on the cross, for the benefit, it would seem, of those who united to slay him, the Sadducee, atheist & high priest, the Pharisee, zealot, hypocrite & persecutor and the brutal, self-seeking, callous military Roman. Now in its last state, after such a lamentable career, Christ's truth stands finally rejected by the world's recent enlightenment as a hallucination or a superstition which sometimes helpfully, sometimes harmfully amused the infancy of the human intellect.

This history is written in too pronounced characters to be the exact type of all messages that has yet to be deciphered to the masses. The practical man avoids error by refusing to think at all. His method at least cannot be right. It is not right even for the practical uses he prefers exclusively to all others. You see him stumbling into some pit because he refuses to walk with a light and then accusing adverse circumstances or his evil fortune, or he shouts, elbows, jostles, tumbles and stumbles himself into a final unrealistic-success and departs at last, satisfied; leaving behind a name in history and a legacy of falsehood, evil and suffering to unborn generations. The method of the practical man is the shortest and most facile, but the least admirable of all.

Truth is an infinitely complex reality and he has the best chance of arriving nearest to it that most recognises but is not daunted by its infinite complexity. We must look at the whole thought-tangle, fact, emotion, idea, truth beyond idea, conclusion, contradiction, modification, ideal, practice, possibility, impossibility (which must be yet attempted,) and keeping the soul calm and the eye clear in this mighty flux and gurge of the world, seek everywhere for some word of harmony, not forgetting immediate in ultimate truth, nor ultimate in immediate, but giving each it’s due place and portion in the Infinite Purpose. Some so-called enlightened men pour out thought in torrents or in rich and majestic streams. They are not logically careful of consistency, they cannot build up any coherent, yet comprehensive systems, but they quicken men's minds and do liberate them from religious, philosophic and scientific dogma and tradition. They leave the world not surer, but freer than when they entered it.

Some men seek to find the Truth by imaginative perception. It is a good instrument like logic, but like logic it breaks down before it reaches the goal. Neither ought to be allowed to do more than take us some way and then leave us. Others think that a fine judgment can arrive at the true balance. It does, for a time; but the next generation upsets that fine balancing, consenting to a coarser test or demanding a finer. The religious prefer inspiration, but inspiration is like the lightning, brilliantly illuminating only a given reach of country and leaving the rest in darkness intensified by the sharpness of that light. Vast is our error if we mistake that bit of country for the whole universe. Is there then no instrument of knowledge that can give us the heart of Truth and provide us with the key word of existence? I think there is, but the evolution of mankind at large yet falls far short of it; their highest tread only on the border of that illumination. After all pure intellect carries us very high. But neither the scorner of pure intellectual ideas, nor its fanatic devotee can attain to the knowledge in which not only the senses reflect or the mind thinks about things, but the ideal faculty directly knows them.

Some men sneer at the Truth because they do not believe opinions are knowledge, they are only sidelights on knowledge. Most often they are illegitimate extensions of an imperfect knowledge. A man has perhaps travelled to England and seen Cumberland and the lakes; he comes back and imagines England ever after, as a country full of verdant mountains, fairy woodlands, peaceful and enchanted waters. Another has been to the manufacturing centers; he imagines England as a great roaring workshop, crammed with furnaces and the hum of machinery and the smell of metal. Another has sojourned in the quiet country-side and to him England is all hedges and lanes and the daisy-sprinkled meadow and the well tilled green field. All have realised a little, but none have realized England in whole. Then there is the man who has only read about the country or heard descriptions from others and thinks he knows it better than the men who have been there. This is so even with Truth, when many of us have experienced only a part of the Eternal Truth. They may all admit that what they have seen need not be the whole, but each has his little ineffable picture which, because it is all he has realised, persists in standing for the whole. There is no harm in that, no harm whatever in limitation if you understand and admit the limitation. But if all the four begin quarreling, what an aimless confusion will arise!

The moderns follow another thought, which, also, has a truth of its own. They think that one who has the knowledge of the particulars must lead to the knowledge of the fundamental unity and they begin therefore at the bottom and climb upwards — a slow but, one might imagine a safe method of procession. “Little flower in the crannies” cries Tennyson addressing a pretty blossom in the wall in lines which make good thought, but execrable poetry, “if I could but know what you are, I should know what God and man is”. Undoubtedly; the question is whether, without knowing God, we can really know the flower, — know it; and not merely its name and form or all the details of its name and form.

Nevertheless mankind has for some thousands of years been attempting obstinately & with passion to discover what truth is. Such error is natural and inevitable to the human consciousness. For the Angel in man is one who has descended out of light & bliss into the darkness, twilight and half light here, the darkness of matter, the twilight of vital consciousness, the broken half lights of the mind, and the master impulse of his nature is to yearn passionately towards the light from which [he] has fallen. Unable to find it at once, too little calm & discerning to perfect himself patiently, it is natural that he in his eagerness should grasp at other instruments meant for a limited utility and straining them beyond their capacity compel them to serve this his supreme object — which is always to recover the perfect light and by that recovery to recover also what dwells only in the perfect light, — the perfect & unfailing bliss. From this abuse of his parts of knowledge have resulted three illegitimate human activities, of which Philosophy, Religion & Science have severally made themselves guilty, the disputatious metaphysical philosophy of the schools, the theology of the Churches and the scientific philosophy of the laboratories.

Philosophy, Religion & Science have each their appointed field and dominion; each can help man in his great preoccupation, the attempt to know all that he can about the Eternal Truth, but that is not so I can confirm with absolute conviction.

The business of Philosophy is to arrange logically the general modes of Sat, the business of Religion is to arrange practically & vitally the personal relations of the Truth, the business of Science is to arrange observantly & analytically the particular forms & movements of Truth. They are really necessary to and ought to lean on each other; and, if all recognised proper limitations and boundary marks, could by their joint activity help man to his present attainable fullness; but by a sort of intellectual land hunger they are perpetual invaders of each other's dominion, deny each other's positions and therefore remain unprofitably at war through the human ages.

Finally, all three after illegitimately occupying each other's fields insist on snatching at a knowledge of which they are all equally incapable — the essential nature of the world, the secret reality of Truth. Who knows? These fires of the non-believers may yet ablaze to save heretics from the perdition which an illustrious voice of yore has declared to us to be the destined doom of all who do not acknowledge the Truth.

We live on a plane of mentality on which humanity at large does not yet find itself at perfect ease, cannot live without a struggle and a difficulty in breathing. They both demand from man that he shall sacrifice his heart & his imagination to his intellect, shall deny his full human nature and live coldly & dryly. You might just as well ask him to live without free breathing. The mental world in which we are asked to live, resembles what the life of humanity would be if the warmth of the sun had diminished, the earth were growing chill and its atmosphere were already too rarefied for our comfort. It is no use saying that he ought to live in such an atmosphere, that it will improve his mental health and vigour. Perhaps he ought, though I do not think so, but he cannot. Or rather the individual may, — everything is possible to individual man if he earnestly seek for it.............the easy to find yet the eluding Eternal Truth!

By nature, a violation of the great Mother, a displacement of her eternal facts by the acridities’ of logic; it is the refusal of the Eternal Truth that has lead the world to chaos, destruction, hatredness, greed, selfishness, and all other ills that we face now.
So what is the Truth that Pontius Pilate wanted to know from the Messenger of Truth, Jesus Christ? It was not a secret from the unknown realms of the universe rather it was a secret that every man longed for, from the earliest civilization till now. It is a secret well hidden in the hearts of men to be only discovered by those who really and earnestly seek for it. And the Eternal truth is Love. What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind. Undoubtedly; the question again is whether, without knowing God, can we can really know the eternal Truth, — know it, and not merely its name and form or all the details of its name and form. The Truth is God and God is Love! In perfect harmony with perfect life!!

It is time for us mortals to rise from the ashes like the proverbial Phoenix and escape from the teachings of the metaphysicians, the philosophers, the scientific crowd, the selfish guardians, the powerful motivational speakers, religious 
fanatics, the charlatans, the soothsayers, the not- so – godly – demi-gods and the annihilators of the ETERNAL TRUTH. 


Sending love, lights, peace and warm hugs to you, my dear friends!
Anthony Sunny Kunneth.

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