“Spread love everywhere you go. Let
no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”~ Mother Teresa
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the
ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”~ Mother Teresa
Honestly, are you living a life that fills you with enthusiasm and passion? If not, are you instead feeling stuck or a little confused? It may be time to ask a few more questions and shift your perceptions so you can achieve more balance and enjoyment. Life is too short to be content with feeling victimized or addicted to self pity. In just a moment I'm going to show you three secrets that will spread the love.
1. Do you imagine what a fantastic day you will enjoy with all of the miracles and surprises that will embrace you with love and joy? Do you hear the birds singing for you outside? Have you enjoyed the hypnotic motion and shifting shapes of the clouds overhead as they dance across the sky? Don’t we live in an astonishing world of beauty and excitement!
2. Do you treat others with the same compassion you show yourself? Do you feel like you are accomplishing your goals and aspirations, or have you fallen victim to the common notion that work must involve struggle and dissatisfaction, and you are there to just pay the bills and keep quiet?
3. And lastly, have you discovered why you are here and what you have to contribute that will help make this world a better place for everyone? Perhaps your gift is to inspire the world in a way that brings you laughter, and gives you infinite pleasure and joy just doing what you love. Could it be this simple?
In fact, there are people who follow their bliss and do what they love. They seem to have things that they share in common. They really know how to spread the love around and they understand the impact their behavior has on others. I for one believe, that the true value of life is not found in riches or fame, it is found in the simple finer things in life like love, peace & happiness.
I would be very happy to live in a world where people see money as the worthless piece of paper that it is, where people realize that the worth we place on money is all but only an illusion and so can concentrate all their efforts on the real valuable issues in life like love, peace & happiness & spending quality time with loved ones.
When I was younger, I thought I had to do or be involved with something really big to make a difference and spread peace, love & happiness. Now I believe that I have the ability to create all that every day, with every person I come in contact with, without any money. As I have grown older I believe these little things like love, compassion, gratitude, kindness and friendship matter just as much as the big ones. Rather than feeling like a victim of circumstances, I choose to remain an active positive force, a catalyst to heal the world by spreading love and happiness. You and I can heal the world too.
So how can we spread love and happiness?
1. By being kinder than necessary.
2. Putting sincere effort into your relationships.
3. Reminding your loved ones that you love them every chance you get.
4. Stretching yourself a little more, and make yourself proud by spreading love
5. Letting your tears nourish your healing.
6. Grabbing every opportunity to be grateful.
7. Expressing your appreciation of love daily.
8. Saying less when less means more.
9. By rediscovering your inner child.
10. By being good to yourself.
11. Stop waiting for the perfect moment.
12. Injecting a little goodness into the world wherever and whenever you can.
Life can either bury your head in the sand, or it can help you rest your cheek upon it, breathe and savor the goodness until you feel whole again, then lift your head and ask, “How can I add some goodness to my life?” It is left to you. The choice is yours. Remember appreciation of love and happiness appreciates in itself for the benefit of the world, an asset that cannot be measured in cash and gold, rather a priceless treasure that brings smiles and indescribable happiness from all around you in this beautiful universe. Become a part of the Divine Self that you deserve to be. That’s the whole essence of living a joyful and meaningful life.
I am not sure how you feel about your purpose but for me I remind myself that every day is a new day – a new beginning. We all have been given this day to use as we please. We can waste it or we can use it for something worthwhile. Either way, what we do today is important because we are exchanging a day of our life for it. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. In its place will be something that we have left behind. Please, let it be something worthwhile. Let it be something that spreads love and happiness.”
With Divine love, Spiritual lights, Peace and warm hugs all the way from me.”
Sending love, lights, peace and warm hugs to you, my dear friends!
Anthony Sunny Kunneth.
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