Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Smile is a gift you can give freely!

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” ― Mother Teresa

Smile is a very easy thing we can do and that's free of charge can be done anytime, anywhere and by anyone. But in fact, most people are hard to give their smile to each other for they don't know all the good that the simple smile can do in our lives. It can heal the unhealed diseases; make the sad ones happy, and many, many other wonderful healing of the ills

 the world is plagued with. The war can be ended by a smile, the unhealed diseases by a smile, the disunited families can be made harmonious by a smile and many more changes for the good can be done, only by a simple loving smile. 

So never ignore a smile, for peace, love and happiness begins with a smile. From now on, let's color your daily lives with a smile and let that make an impact anyone, anywhere and anytime. Some people just grin and bear it, while others smile and change it. 

Start off every day with a simple smile and get it over with a smile too. The shortest distance between two people is a smile! The universal language is a smile. The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.

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