Saturday, June 30, 2012

Only through self-sacrifice, can one attain self-realization.

First of all, one should have faith in one's own Divine-Self. Developing self-confidence, will lead to self-satisfaction. When you have self-satisfaction, you will be prepared for self-sacrifice. Only through self-sacrifice, can one attain self-realization. Self-realization means to realize that you are everything.

Self-confidence is the foundation, self-satisfaction is the wall, self-sacrifice is the roof and self-realization is life. No one can live in a building without roof. Roof cannot be laid without walls and walls cannot be raised
without foundation. So, self-confidence, self-satisfaction, self-sacrifice are very essential for self-realization. Today many men lose self-confidence because of the competition in the worldly environment. If one loses self-confidence, one loses everything. Only through self-confidence can one have the vision of the latent divine effulgence.

Self-confidence cannot be purchased or obtained through learning. It is based on the principle of deserving. To deserve, develop divine thoughts. Much like love you have to have the divine longing, to give and share it with others. It springs when your ‘Self’ comes in contact with the Divine Self - confidence of the faith in God, knowing very well that He will protect you in the face of all adversities for He is always with you, in you, above you, beside you, around you. Every great soul had this faith in him that made him traverse the unknown realms to become a legend in their own field. Nothing was given on a golden platter to them; they achieved this through sheer self-confidence.

The absence of self-confidence marks the beginning of one's decline. Today, the world is facing ruin and disaster, because people have lost confidence in themselves. Self-confidence alone is capable of granting peace and prosperity to each person and whatever we touch becomes as good as gold. When a person has no faith in himself, how can he place faith in others? Even when he has such faith, it may not be sincere and firm. It is at best artificial and superficial. Such a person will not have faith in his mother, father, wife and children. He pretends to believe, that is all. So he behaves treacherously and might even injure the parents and other too.

The loss of confidence in the Self involves loss of faith in God Himself. Remember, it is the Omnipresence, the Inner Motivator of all residing in us that is the strength and courage of our body and mind, our emotions and intellect - strengthening our faith in Him is the only means of realizing the highest goal. All other goals can stem from this only, else it will be a futile exercise!

The most important reason for all these sorrows you are prone to is the weakness you develop because your senses are not under your control. Put your mind on the right path and develop a firm resolve. Perform your work and use all your senses correctly. 

Use them within the proper limits for the purposes for which they were intended. You will then gain the great strength to attain the much deserved self-confidence to march forward with your aspirations and make your dreams come true.

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