Saturday, July 14, 2012

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.

"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change." ~ Confucius

People don't resist change. They resist being changed! Even those who fancy themselves the most progressive will fight against any kinds of progress or change, for each of us is convinced that our way of life is the best way. To change is a challenge; change is

an uncomfortable process because it may destabilize our sense of equilibrium; we may lose our reliance on the behaviors, habits, or relationships that have often become second nature to us. 
It is a challenge to relinquish our personal perspectives, frames of reference, or script beliefs because these mental structures maintain psychological equilibrium. Change is necessary for growth and progress. Change of direction will lead to change of action and finally change of DESTINY. But change has a bad reputation in our society. But it isn't all bad — not by any means.

In fact, change is necessary in life…… to keep us moving ... to keep us growing ... to keep us interested……Imagine life without change. It would be static ... boring ... dull. Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. In life everything is in a process of change, nothing endures; we do not seek permanence. It is similar to our physical growth, our age, our biological growth. Associated with the change of our own growth and the knowledge that we have accumulated throughout our growing years is our attitude and mental aptitude. It is this stubborn attitude that prevents one from changing for good.

The nature and structure of our belief systems is important from the perspective of an informational theorist because beliefs are thought to provide the cognitive foundation of an attitude. In order to change an attitude, then, it is presumably necessary to modify the information on which that attitude rests. It is generally necessary, therefore, to change a our beliefs by eliminating old beliefs or introducing new beliefs. This alone can transform an our attitude which in turn could bring about the change for our own greater benefits.

Unless we are prepared to give up something that seems valuable to us, we will never be able to truly change at all, because we'll be forever in the control of things we can't give up. It is therefore evident that whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.

The first change that may be necessary for growth is to start looking at change as a positive element of your success. The initial motivation for change starts with a sense that something is no longer working as well as it once did. This awareness can be extremely subtle at first. Maybe we feel uncomfortable with a long held belief, or with our current way of dealing with certain situations. Perhaps we realize that we no longer feel as resourceful or effective in certain areas of our life. These feelings are the beginning of our personal recognition that something needs to be adjusted and precede any change in mindset. Even before we can put our finger on the source of this internal discomfort, we feel it on some level.

Something is just not right and our conscious mind begins to investigate. The ability to override the denial tendency and adopt a new mindset is a prerequisite for moving to the next stage. That means that we fully accept that we are the source, rather than some external force. At this point we consciously acknowledge that it is our feelings, habits, perception, emotions, limiting beliefs, or faulty reasoning that needs to be adjusted. we tend to view our beliefs as facts of life, and will always look for ways to justify them.

Rather than a direct confrontation, it is much easier to look at our behavior patterns to see how different beliefs have affected our lives. Once we recognize that we have been held back by, or suffered because of, certain beliefs, we will have both logic and emotion supporting our desire for change.

Now when we have identified an obsolete belief or behavior pattern, we will be now motivated to replace it with something more empowering. We are ready to move away from our former stage of development and embrace the next level. By the time we reach this tipping point, it is fairly easy to see where we want to be or what we want to be. The same comparison process that exposed the original source of discomfort has probably already revealed our next destination.

All that’s left is to embrace a mindset that affirms our resolve to go there, and to formulate a plan of action to reach the destination.

In the world of actual change, this is the only way to achieve results. If we don’t act, nothing will change. In fact, our discomfort with the current reality will increase because we have a much greater awareness of it. Before, it was just a subtle sense that something is no longer working. Now, it has become transparent. Dwell upon it for sometime and visualize its consequences. Taking action without fear is the only way to reestablish internal harmony. When people feel helpless and depressed with their life, failure to take action and move toward a solution is often the cause for unhappiness. This is the final stage where we have fully adopted the new belief or behavior.

What started as a subtle awareness that something needed to be adjusted, has resulted in new milestone on the journey of personal growth. We have also successfully let go of an established, but obsolete, belief. It has been replaced with something much more empowering. The more we experience this process the more natural it becomes.

This is a very powerful step on the path of personal growth. It is the realization that we are actually in control, and therefore have the ability to facilitate a change. Accepting complete ownership of the situation opens the door to a new mindset of personal empowerment. Start seeing change as a good thing for our success.

It is pertinent to know that though we are the architect of our destiny, everything is co-related with others in this universe. All this means that we must ourselves feel the pulse of change on a daily, continuous basis.... We should have intense curiosity in our life, by observing events, analyzing trends, checking relationships, seeking the clues of change, and then translate those clues into opportunities. Keep in mind that we cannot control our own future.

Our destiny is not in our hands; it is in the hands of others with whom we are related, biologically, socially, economically, financially and personally but the way we change ourselves should be positive and a better recourse for everyone. When we see the need for deep change, we usually see it as something that takes place in someone else's life too.

In our roles of authority, such as parent, teacher, spouse or boss, we are particularly quick to direct others to change. Such directives often fail, and we respond to the resistance by increasing our efforts. The power struggle that follows seldom results in change or brings about excellence and success. One of the most important insights about the need to bring about deep change in others has to do with a deep change that actually should starts within us.

Always remember there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things in our life with a positive outlook and greater harmony to achieve success and happiness.

But change is a must if we want to seek greener pastures of life. For those who embrace change, personal growth is a way of life. Let us not fool ourselves into thinking that resisting change is the easier course; it’s not, because it robs us of the happiness and sense of purpose that we deserve. It is because when we change, we embrace growth, we embrace life!

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