Thursday, April 2, 2015

When you knew how to speak, what was your first word? It is Mom

“My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.” ~ Maya Angelou

“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

"When you knew how to speak, what was your first word? It is Mom. We have grown up in the arms of our mothers. We have grown up in the great love of our mothers. No one loves us like 
our mothers; no one is willing to sacrifice everything for us like our mothers. If someone asks you “Who is the best woman in your life?”, I bet you will say it is your mother. And if someone asks me like that, my answer also is my mother.
With me, my mother is the best woman in the world. No one can replace her in my heart. I admire my mother, I don't know why she is always busy with daily chores, taking care of my family but she never said she is tired.

Every day, she is the first person in my family, who wakes up very early. Then, she makes breakfast for my family. When my father goes to work, I go to school; my mother stays home and does all the daily chores. When my father and I come home, there is always a delicious dinner, which is waiting for us. After the dinner, my mom washes the dishes. Sometimes, I ask her to help, but she says: “It is fine; you should go upstairs and do your homework”. Mom always wake up very early, and Mom is the last person to take a break after a busy day. I realize that without my Mom, my father and I cannot have the clean house, the delicious meal and the clothes which always iron straight. Mom gives me and my father all her love.

She loves us more than herself. Her love for us is great like the ocean, the universe and nothing can replace it. She is not only my mom, she is also my friends, my big sister, who I can share all my problems and stories in life with. When I am sad, happy or stressful, Mom is always by my side and comfort me. Sometimes, I get angry with my mom because she remind me too much things, especially they are all things I know. Then, I realize that she just wants me- her son to be good.

Making my mother cry is the worst thing, but I did. I'm a boy, and playing games is the most favorite things to do of boys. I played games every day. Anytime, when I had free time, I played games, when I came home from school, I played games. I played until midnight; I played until I was tired and slept on my desk. My mother knew it and she always told me to stop playing and focus on studying. I said “yes” to make her feel please and then I continued to play. When you play games, you just focus on that, you forget to study, that were what happened to me. My mother didn't know anything until my school had a parents’ conference. She was shocked when she saw my report. My grade was going down. She asked me why my grade went down, I was quiet and looked at her. It seemed like my mother knew the reason why. She was quiet, stared at me and sigh.

Suddenly, I saw tears from her eyes, she cried. She told me many times that I should not play games too much, I needed to focus on studying, but I ignore her advice. When she cried, I felt so sorry and guilty. I wasn't brave enough to looked at her. Then I came to her slowly, hugged her and said: “I was sorry, mom. I knew that I had made a big mistake. I felt so sorry. Mom, please forgive me. I promised that I wouldn't do this again. I was so sorry. I made you cry.” And she hugged me tight, she whispered: “How couldn't I forgive you? I was just a little disappointed, but I knew, you would know how to fix your mistake, I love you.” I cried after she said that, just a bit, but I did cry.

Mom, you gave me everything but you never ask me to pay back. You are the best, the greatest woman in this world and in my heart. I love you forever. I am happy when I have you by my side to take care of me, to protect me and to give me your love. I am happy when I am your son. In the future. I will be an successful adult in life and I can take care of myself. But in my mother's eyes, I know that I am always her little son as I was.” ~ By Stella

Indeed! Mom's love transcends beyond graves indeed! As you might believe in this fictional tale:

“She was just another poor, bedraggled woman, struggling to feed her family. He saw them all the time, their faces careworn, and blank. The Depression had created hundreds of them. He was one of the lucky ones who still had his grocery and money coming in to feed his family.

She came one day to his shop, carrying two empty milk bottles, and wordlessly placed them on the counter in front of him. He took the empties and replaced them with full bottles, saying: "Ten cents, please." She did not reply. She just took the bottles and left the shop. He might have gone after her to demand his money, or called the police, but he did neither. Her need was in her face, and he always felt a little guilty at being one of the lucky ones with money and a job. She was probably one of the migrant workers, he decided.

She was back the next day with two empty milk bottles. He replaced them with full bottles and watched as she hurried out the door. She looked so worried that he wondered if she had a job at all. If she came back, he would offer her a part-time position cleaning the store.

She came again the next morning, and exchanged her empty bottles for full without saying a word. He tried to talk to her, to ask if she wanted a job, but she practically ran from the store with the milk. Her urgency worried him. He followed, wondering what he could do to help.

To his surprise, she headed away from the migrant camp outside of town. She went instead to the graveyard by the river. As he watched, she hurried up to a stone marker and then disappeared into the ground. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Then he heard the muffled cry of a baby. It was coming from the ground underneath the stone marker where the woman had disappeared!

He ran back to the store and phoned the police. Within minutes, the graveyard was swarming with people, and the workers started digging up the grave. When the casket was opened, the store owner saw the woman who had visited his store lying dead within it. In her arms, she held a small baby and two full milk bottles. The baby was still alive.”

Sending love, lights, peace and warm hugs to you, my dear friends!
Anthony Sunny Kunneth.

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