Monday, November 5, 2012

Remember it is the difference between the impossible and the possible that lies in a person's determination.

"Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Isn't it true that many of us want easy and half-baked mantras for success. Isn't it true that we always look for the magic wand that give us success in a jiffy. If we believe success can be achieved with Lady Luck on our side, again we are wrong. There is no easy way or the magic wand to achieve success. No man can fight his way to the top and stay

at the top without exercising the fullest measure of grit, courage, determination, resolution. Every man who gets anywhere does so because he has first firmly resolved to progress in the world and then has enough stick-to-it-activeness to transform his resolutions into reality. Without resolution, no man can win any worthwhile place among his fellow men. We have to make up our mind and I affirm again, to 'make up our mind', what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, by doing so we will never lose - but somehow we will win out. This is so very true - and ultimately it is the hard work that pays off. If we want to be good, we have to practice, practice, practice. If we don't love something, then lets not do it. And all these should be given space to germinate in the mind before taking shape.

Only one who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with that extra ounce of power it takes to win when defeat stares in his eyes. In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of effort is the measure of the results. That extra strength we put in is always the invincible mind - power and the sole driving force that takes us to greater measures of success. It exists and it becomes available only when one is in that state of mind, in which he or she knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he or she finds it. Meanwhile we have to be determined to handle any challenge that comes our way and that in fact helps us grow and mature mentally. Firmness in enduring and exertion is a character we always should possess if we have to see our successes. Let us not be cowardly to exercise that of state of mind to firmly resolve and act in making those dreams come true. We can do what we have to do, and sometimes we can do it even better than we think we can. An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men. Remember it is the difference between the impossible and the possible that lies in a person's determination.

Therefore construct your determination with sustained effort, controlled attention, and concentrated energy, for opportunities never come to those who wait... they are captured by those who dare to attack. Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. Make winning your habit. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of real will. We all have dreams - you and me too! And in order to make those dreams come into reality, we have to stay steadfast in our thoughts and focus to make those dreams come true, for it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and concentrated effort." ~ Anthony Sunny Kunneth

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